Double your vegetable intake and cut carbohydrates in half:
Cutting back on starchy carbs (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereal,
crackers), and replacing them with vegetables helps you cut calories without
cutting portion sizes, allowing you to feel full on fewer calories.
Make workouts more effective: Interval training is a great
way to burn more calories. Consider walking or jogging for 1 min then
jogging or running for 30 seconds a repeat for 30min.
Cut liquid calories: Decrease or restrict sodas, juice,
energy drinks, sweetened water, lattes and alcohol. These are empty
calories, and it is much more satisfying to chew your food.
Get a good night's sleep: set a goal to sleep for 7-8
hours. Less than 6 hours a night may increase hunger making it harder to
make healthy choices.
Follow a specific meal plan: Make sure you schedule 3 meals
and 1-2 snacks per day with good lean proteins and vegetables.
5 Tips to Avoid Fad Diets
Steer clear of any diet plans, pills and products that make the following
Rapid Weight Loss: Slow, steady weight loss is more likely
to last than dramatic weight changes. Healthy plans aim for a loss of no
more than 1 to 2 pounds per week. If you lose weight quickly, you'll
lose muscle, bone and water. You also will be more likely to regain the
pounds quickly.
Quantities and Limitations: Ditch diets that allow
unlimited quantities of any food, such as grapefruit and cabbage soup.
It's boring to eat the same thing over and over and hard to stick with
monotonous plans. Avoid any diet that eliminates or severely restricts
entire food groups, such as carbohydrates. Even if you take a multivitamin,
you'll still miss some critical nutrients.
Specific Food Combinations: There is no evidence that
combining certain foods or eating foods at specific times of day will help
with weight loss. Eating the "wrong" combinations of food
doesn't cause them to turn to fat immediately or to produce toxins in
your intestines, as some plans claim.
Rigid Menus: Life is already complicated enough. Limiting
food choices or following rigid meal plans can be an overwhelming,
frustrating task.
No Need to Exercise: Regular physical activity is essential
for good health and healthy weight management. Shoot for 30 to 60 minutes of
activity on most days of the week.